British public opinion was always against the war in Iraq. It's hard to remember nowadays, but pretty much the only countries where public opinion was in favor of the original invasion were the United States, Israel, and Kuwait.

Given the current American policy of attempting to "co-opt" Sunni insurgent groups and tribal militias, I am less eager to criticize the British so much for essentially pursuing the same policy --- advanced by a year or so --- in Basra. Yes, they have handed over power in the south to a conglomeration of Shia tribal and party militias that will fight for power once the British have gone. What exactly do you think is going to happen in Diyala and Baghdad when the U.S. draws down the surge forces next year? Does anyone seriously think that AQI is the only thing that keeps Iraqis apart?

That the British position looks endangered is hardly surprising, but does anyone believe that the 1920 Revolution Brigades or the Anbar tribes have suddenly converted into believers in the American project in Iraq?