I don't know if qualifies as politically correct, but Capt. Kelly's piece in the July Proceedings, "Rewriting the Rules of War" did not endear me to the magazine's editorial choice.

...Maintaining the moral high round may be a popular theme for editorial writers, but it means very little if you lose. Winning is everything.

The last war we actually won was World War II, before political correctness had been invented and before Soldiers were subject to so much second-guessing. We killed hundreds of thousands of civilians in fire bombings and often took no prisoners in battle. Interrogation of prisoners could be rigorous indeed, and maintaining their dignity was not a high priority. No one would dream of referring to such actions as torture. There were few embedded media members, and they were kept rather busy reporting real news, mostly involving the heroic actions of our troops. There was a war on, and we did what we had to do to win.

Today, opponents of this war are attempting to infuse political correctness and civilian ethical standards into our troops who do the fighting for them. If they go to far, they may end up destroying the military warrior culture altogether...
This is something I expect out of the Weekly Standard, not a professional military journal.