I think hugs and alot of Mr. Rogers shows could go a long ways in convincing jihadists that it simply isn't nice to kill people. A kinder, gentler US military could go a long ways in persuading the rest of the planet that we know deep in our hearts that the world is really just one large village. For instance, when a patrol of US forces comes under fire in Iraq, they could throw some firecrackers in the direction of those trying to kill them, thus indicating that there is a high potential that US troops might defend themselves when attacked. Such a show of good faith on our part could go a long ways and result in some genuine dialouge with those fellows. It has been suggested that our troops patrol in Barney costumes, thus demonstrating to AQ and other assorted jihadists that we do not always have lethal intentions for those who try to kill us. Personally, I think our men would sweat too much dressed as Barney and could impose additional logistical stress providing them with extra water, unless Iraqi kids could be hired to tag along behind pulling little red wagons full of water bottles. Anyway, I am straying off topic here.

Regarding conversion, I most likely would become a jihadist advisor if presented the opportunity to have a cushy, well paid job in such capacity and in knowing that none of my family would be killed and I wouldn't have my nuts crushed in a vise and an electrode inserted in my anus. Hello? Aren't Egypt, Syria and Jordan the designated torture centers of the planet? Ain't they the final destination of black ops snatch and grab missions or have I been reading too many of those magazines by the checkout counters in grocery stores??