Ref. Airborne Operations: As for US Airborne operations they are better understood in the framework of Cavalry Operations, which is exactly how General Gavin meant them to be used. Since he wrote the book on them(He wrote the 1st Airborne FM and how they should be used) they have a different perspective than Vertical Envelopment but some strong similarities.

The Normandy Invasion was a giant "Cavalry Screen" as were many Airborne ops and they were meant to and planned to link up with the heavier main force effort right from the start. It is when they were used for something else that they got into trouble, such as Market Garden. I don't remember Gavin's exact quote but it something like"Somebody just dreamed up a real nightmare"

Because of the Cavalry Mobility advantage Gavin thought they would be idea in the traditional role of the screen,the guard or pursuit roles. It is when they are used for something different that they can get into trouble.

The concept of the Air-Mech Division is nothing but the Cavalry concept of the "Flying Column" mad concrete. Gavin believed that these "Flying Columns" could play a critical role in what he referred to as "Brush Fire Wars" or as the Marines say Small Wars (the concept of flying columns is in the USMC Small Wars manual) his concept was different from standpoint that he meant a small light armored vehicle force that would have Strategic mobility to anywhere in the world but also maintain tactical mobility and survivability. Again similar to some of the advanced V-22 USMC concepts of Operational Maneuver.