the nursery rhyme? It was an attempt to bring in a little levity to show its nothing personel. Lighten up; I come in peace.

Look, I'm not trying to offend you and I'm not being personal. However, I'm getting the sense that you think I am (maybe I'm wrong).

When I spoke of overcoming primal instincts, I was thinking specifically of the instinct (maybe the worng word) for revenge. However, I seem to remember being taught the frontal assault. I remember being told to stand and assault forward in the face of enemy fire. It seems to cut against the survival instinct, but it fits the strategic goal of defeating the enemy. D-Day comes to mind. Many brave men (and I know you know this) knew they would die but they did it anyway. Its why they're heroes. They overcame their primal instinct for survival and did what had to be done to accomplish the goal. That's all I was saying.

Maybe you are right and I am misreading Capt Kelly (not conceding). But misinterpretation is usually the fault of the author. I'm sure others have reached the same conclusions that I did.