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Thread: John Robb, "Brave New War", and Group Size

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  1. #13
    Council Member Culpeper's Avatar
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    Aug 2006
    Roswell, USA


    I pointed them out using "#" style bullets above. Its more of an academic textbook approach but it something that we can take and give from. Ultimately, it is up to the administrators. Like I intimated before, I was taking my own inventory and wondering if I was contributing or taking away from the group. Obviously, I would rather contribute to the group than post something that may be misinterpreted. I don't get my feeling hurt very easily and my fallacy is that I assume everyone should feel that way as well. So, I know what my shortcomings are on the SWC and work on them. I guess what I'm trying to state is that group think can be avoided if we are educated on the subject so that as individuals we can take steps in understanding the "company language" over time. I think we all fall back on our areas of most knowledge. For me that would be military enlistment under poor leadership, my education in history and accounting (which made me a liberal arts major around a bunch of accountants and auditors), and a large patriotic core. So, at this point of my membership with the SWC I need to ask myself what can I bring to the table that is productive and still bring my style of sarcastic liberal arts humor. BTW, I recently did the latter against the same type of humor, which was sort of stupid. I didn't like someone's interpretation of this type of humor (meant to be funny or inflict a wound on the reader) and I responded with the same type of humor, which in itself, was interpreted differently by someone else. Does that make sense? I'm a freakish cross between Hunter S. Thompson and Fred Thompson. I'm not trying to sell a book but I should be more careful about how others may interpret something I post; i.e. offensive, irrelevant, or insulting. For example: "Enough about me. Let's talk about you. What do you think about me?" So, to avoid a group think mentality we should take responsibility as individuals to steer the group clear. We can only do that if we understand group think and I believe Robb's topic on this subject is enlightening. Most everything else he wrote about I took mostly as amalgamated abstracts but this particular part of the book I found very interesting at the right time and space.
    Last edited by Culpeper; 09-07-2007 at 12:27 AM.
    "But suppose everybody on our side felt that way?"
    "Then I'd certainly be a damned fool to feel any other way. Wouldn't I?"


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