I wouldn't bother using any of the standard directed PTP courses. If the Army's is anything like the Marine Corps', it's a joke. (And most of the Marine Corps' consists of Army classes) I've been thinking about this issue for a while. The issue is training high school kids in the graduate level of war, to use a cliched analogy. Are you going to pull a high school senior out of AP Biology and then give him a test from an M.A. Molecular Biology course? No. But that's what we need to do. I haven't really come up with an answer yet, although I think Mojave/Cajun Viper is a step in the right direction. I do know that Death by Powerpoint ain't it. The problem isn't just with young enlisted soldiers. You're one of the select few company grade officers that "get it." We can debate every aspect of COIN to the smallest intellectual minutiae and have a grand old time doing it, but until Lieutenants like you and me and NCOs that "get it" come up with a good way to engage those officers, NCOs, and nonrates, make them "get it" and make them believe in it, we're spinning our wheels.

I fortunately don't have to deal with it at the moment. I'm deploying with a MTT team in December and all of our enlisted Marines volunteered quite enthusiastically. They already get it. Good luck with yours.