Quote Originally Posted by Strategic LT View Post
A collaborative effort by the PSGs and LTs in my unit have come up with a list of things they would like to accomplish so far.

CLS refresher.....scenario based
Land Nav....open terrain and urban (we will use Killeen)
Individual weapons refreshers
Crew serve weapons refreshers
Battle Drills
Convoy Trainer (Interactive trainer, uses tv screens etc.)
IED training....scenario based

none of which are COIN concepts, but your regular soldier skills

COIN Related
Region Orientation (Struggle with this, S2 related)
Culture training (We have an Iraqi Professor, very good source)

I will add to the list based on what I have seen here

Route and Area Recon
Bilateral Talks....scenario and classes(Both soldier and Leader)

What else?
Like some suggestions for simple reads for them. I would like for them to read The Ugly American, comments on that are welcome.

Contact Report
"Red, Red 1,

Spot Reports:
"Xray, Red 1,
Slant 4,
ES 123456,
Contact with 1 RPG team,
establishing support by fire position, maneuvering 1 section to western flank, over"