I take issue with the highlighted and underlined sentence. It sounds as if The "system" is bringing you down, which, to be honest with you, is a pretty weak excuse. Here's a list of questions designed to determine training planning and strategy at your level. It should help you identify weaknesses within your own plan that you can affect at your level.
My complaint isn't about the system bringing me down. Like I said, the required Marinenet PTP courses are easily bypassed so no unit training time is wasted. I advised Strategic LT to do as such. The quality of the Marinenet training is a tangent, the point is: prac app, prac app, prac app. To expect the Marinenet slide shows to produce effectively trained Marines is simply ludicrous, the only way to ingrain the covered skills is through effective, practical unit training. Since Marinenet does nothing to contribute to this, subjects covered by Marinenet need to be retaught by the Marine's unit. Teach it once as a unit, reinforce as needed, and don't waste time staring at a box.

As for my team, I can't take credit for it since I'm not in charge but we just finished up DMOC. Who would you rather have working on your injury in a fire fight? My Lance Corporal and I who did a real life surgical tracheotomy on a live patient in less than 90 seconds yesterday or a soldier or Marine who cycled through Marinenet First Aid slides in between games of solitaire and repeated viewings of break.com videos