Don't worry the cops would look the other way.

What is wrong with people? Is there no decency. There is no excuse for these actions. These monuments are for men who fought, and many died, and it doesn't matter whether or not you feel the war was just. It doesn't matter, these men deserve at the very least our respect and gratitude.

I'm conflicted. If they get caught nothing much will happen, just a few hours community service and people will make excuses for them. At least if they are faceless assailants no one will be able to make excuse for them.

I can't believe this hasn't been covered in the media. It's a damned shame.
What do you expect, all they care about is ratings. Look at most of America, (regardless of political position) they might notice this in passing but time and time again they've shown more interest in celebrities than in the lives of the men and women who have and do fight for their freedom and protect them. We don't fund veterans benefits, we have veterans from Korea and Vietnam who've been on the streets for 40 years and people pretend they give a damn.

Sorry, this just hit a nerve. I live near a very left leaning college (although I've notice this is getting universal these days) and I'm tired of seeing these rich preppies in their brand new cars daddy bought them (often Saab's like you referred too in the other thread) covered with every anti-war slogan and support the troops sticker they can find. They really believe they care. Yet they can't take 2 seconds to hold a door for an 80 year veteran (let alone anyone that age) with a walker instead of squeezing through just ahead to avoid a delay in their hectic schedule. They're just too busy enjoying the "college experience." Disrespectful brats!

Look, I come from a pretty liberal (old fashioned not this leftist stuff today) background but I have no idea where this is coming from. It just seems like society is getting more and more self-centered.

I know this is a bit off topic, but somehow I think the two are related.


(Again, sorry about the ranting. This stuff just gets to me. Sometimes I feel like I'm living in an alien society.)