In 1984 I visited The Wall with my fellow officers of the 13th PSYOP Bn. My service during the war had been in The Pentagon but Mike and Jum were veterans of the 101st ABN. Although Jim had visited the Wall before this was Mike's first visit and I saw a good and strong man moved to tears. Of us all, Jim was the only one who truly empathized with Mike's emotions.

This despicable act of desecration betrays the men who served in that war, both the living and the dead, their families, and all the brave men and women who have fought for their country in all her wars.

What is a fitting punishment for those who would do such an act? Perhaps, compelling them to publicly apolgize individually to each member of the massed ranks of 500 living veterans of that war would give them a sense of the shamefullness of their actions.
