Stu-6, I jumped to that conclusion that it was some nut case Lefty in light of General P. and Amb. Crocker being on hand in the general time frame of things. I wouldn't advocate any less punishment for someone with no political leanings V the anti-American type person. My only call for leniency would be if the vandal(s) were certified mentally deranged and even then I would call for electroconvulsive therapy in lieu of traditional meds and counseling.

I'm not trying to pick a fight or trying to be aggressive here but it seems these days the messengers and means of delivery of the message get challenged and not so much the message. This allows for so-called mitigating circumstances and motives of behavior to dilute and detract from the acts and intentions of the perpetrator(s) in question. I find it disheartening that a professional athlete who engages in dog fighting gets mass media attention non-stop yet something like this will get but a fraction of attention.