I am glad that this conversation has precipitated in this matter. Right off the bat (no criticism intended), we highlighted the initial conflict of associating PSYOP with Civil Affairs.

All too often, TPT's get lumped into the same boat as Civil Affairs and HUMINT. I personally think that it is a little bit of the following two conundrums:

1.) Out of sight, and out of mind. Instead of integrating these guys into a maneuver plan, they are thrown together to meet a force protection requirement, and sent out to do their bidding. This negates the impact of PSYOP, since being at the point of lethal operations allows them to mitigate/exploit lethal actions to the fullest extent. Additionally, it gives them exposure to the action so they have a full understanding of the audience's reaction.

2.) Education - both of the PSYOP Officer and NCO, and of the maneuver commander. Everyone understands effects, especially lethal effects. You can measure how many bullets and bombs it took to destroy a target, and you have a measureable effect. However, showing a change of behavior OVER TIME is more difficult to do. We do not educate our PSYOP professionals, nor equip them, with the tools to "sell" themselves.

I agree with some of the suppositions here - having a member of the branch available at the respective Centers of Excellence would "in theory" provide the subject matter expertise. We could do this by having an AGR position at the schoolhouse, hire through MPRI, put a retired PSYOP/CA/THT servicemember on staff. Currently, we do not have the force structure available to do so with active duty officers.

Mondor, you hit the nail on the head, regarding Field Artillery and IO. A peer working with me here in IZ had a quote, "A two hour block of instruction at FACCC, and now I am the IO Guy" - and he is one of the lucky ones.

We, as a force, should also consider formulating a block of instruction on Information Operations capabilities and functions into the respective CCC's, FA Officers (who unfortunately get tasked with IO) should be afforded the opportunity to have formal FA 30 training.

Tom - PM me, I am more than willing to help with CALL.