Hey MMX !

Quote Originally Posted by mmx1 View Post
Well, my observation is based on
1) the Army has fallen short of its recruiting goals for some time now
2) the Army had to lower educational standards (previously above DoD minimums) to address this shortfall
3) Physical fitness isn't uniformly essential to all jobs
My beef is not only PT, but nonetheless a weak area today.
High standards also include MOS proficiency and certainly moral standards. Courage will come from the DS.

Quote Originally Posted by mmx1 View Post
If you start requiring mechanics and admin clerks to run 3 miles, you'll have to decide what to do with an otherwise competent soldier who is just a fatbody. I'd rather have a fatbody who'll process my travel claim on time than a clerk that loses the paperwork but can run a 300 PFT. I know of otherwise competent SNCO's who've been adsep'd because they couldn't meet the weight standard. Of course, if the choice is between two equally competent soldiers where the only difference is PT, it's an easy choice. You don't always have that luxury.
Well, that's indeed interesting, since I've been wrenching on tracks and generators, and still happen to manage not only 290 PT score (I'm 50 BTW), but also critical task-related skills. These are lame excuses from the 70's when ASVAB scores were manipulated, only later in the 80's to be reversed and the loss of good soldiers in the balance. I actually now appreciate getting educated soldiers back. But, an education won't get you through a battle together. Physical fitness is indeed uniformly essential when I recall what happened to a bunch of logistics personnel in the middle of Iraq. Even if one of them had the intestinal fortitude to fight back (like I had to do as a teen in DC), they would have run outta steam and been shot. Now that my log is gone along with the 175mm rounds I desperately needed and the fuel for my M107, I guess I could just run my Alpha off...being I can

Forgive me for condensing your post, but enough of PT.

Quote Originally Posted by mmx1 View Post
No, I don't have extensive recruiting experience. I spent some time on TAD as an officer recruiter and exchanged notes regularly with a college buddy who was a goldbar recruiter in the same AO and was tasked out to the RS to help with the enlisted mission. I have tried to wrap my head around the challenges.
There's my point ! I know little about you other than your brief intro in June and your user profile. However, what you've provided above still doesn't give me much to go on.

I don't see the recruiting and retention levels falling. I asked you for a military study (an Army or Marine article will also do just fine) that supports your last post.

Regards, Stan