Quote Originally Posted by wm
The WP ran an article about an engagement outside Ramadi back in mid-August in which US forces discovered and beat back an estimated 70 AQI folks (with maybe 50% casualties to the AQI force) whose ostensible target was this sheik. I think it was called the Battle of Turtle Island but my memory may well be defective as to the island's name....
The article is linked in this earlier discussion thread: Fight on Donkey Island

It isn't known if the sheikh was the specific target of the bad guys rolled back in that engagement, but your memory of the article isn't too bad - his name was mentioned in it more generally as a target:
....The fighters targeted tribal leaders and police in Ramadi, according to U.S. military intelligence and video footage shot by the insurgents before the planned attack. In one video, an Islamic State of Iraq fighter dives into a lake, waves his fist and threatens Sheik Abdul Sattar Buzaigh al-Rishawi, who founded the main pro-U.S. tribal alliance, known as the Anbar Awakening. Sattar is "a dog of Anbar," the fighter said.