We must have the best of the best soldiers humanuity has ever produced - millions of Iraqis are totally bent on killing each other and us , the country is in total chaos, literally up in flames with nothing but constant explosions, death and maiming. With millions of Iraqis out for our blood one would expect a high KIA rate everyday. shouldn't we have at say 30,000 KIA amidst such utter devastation, chaos, blood letting, butchery, civil war, sectarian violence, insurgency, terrorism, Iranian influence, poverty, terrible infrastructure, tribalism, inept government agencies on both sides, gouging contractors, laziness, ineptness, bungling, lying, stealing and even cheating at cards? Are we really that good or is everyone just sitting in the green zone and all the patrols and operations are simply holographs beamed home by the tryant Bush and his Halliburton cronies?