I address this situation as it as been brought up in all the Petreaus-Crocker Senate and House testamonies, the President mentioned it, and becuase the crisis is also an opportunity for the US. Below is a story from NPR that hits the crisis pretty well and fairly current. 1.5-2 million refugees, and several thousand coming to the States. Wouldn't it be better to build safe and secure housing for them in Iraq? The cost tends to be a question but as I've found in the research the Syrians and Jordanians who have the bulk of the refugees are willing to pay and looking for help. If we the US could get the Saudis and Kuwaitis to kick in cash, the US systems of PRT's, Contractors and Military forces could resttle these folks quickly and effectively. -T

"Syria and Jordan are appealing for help in dealing with a refugee crisis from Iraq, where more than 2 million people have left the country.

The United States has pledged to bring in about 7,000 Iraqi refugees this year, but has yet to come even close to that number. Members of Congress are getting frustrated with the slow pace of admissions — particularly for Iraqis targeted because of their association with the Americans."
