Quote Originally Posted by tequila View Post
New Reasons To Prosecute Civilian contractors now might be punished for disrespecting an officer, disregarding an order
If private individuals want to do military jobs for profit in war zones on behalf of the U.S. government, then they should agree to fall under the same laws as U.S. soldiers, he said.

I agree completely. This is as it should be. If a civilian is over there doing COIN operations, is embedded with and doing the same things as or is supporting military personnel, and is under the same leadership, then he should be punished for the same things as the military guys are. It's just as important for the civilian to obey orders as it is for the Army/Marine guy.

“We’re deeply concerned that the broad and arbitrary application of the UCMJ imposes a whole range of behavioral requirements” on contract employees, Soloway said.
So what? Soloway makes no sense. A civilian should show just as much respect and have the same willingness to follow his leader wherever he goes, just as anyone else in the military would do. If not, then don't go into a conflict zone and work along side them. Stay home and be a desk jockey if it causes that much concern.