Professional Communication: Law Enforcement Officers Training Guide
Training and Standards Bureau, Wisconsin Department of Justice
Many people contributed to the writing of this manual.

Law enforcement officers, perhaps more than any other group of people in society, depend on strong communication skills to do their job. As we have seen, 99% of the contacts that police make involve no force at all—just communication.

Communication is integral to all that law enforcement officers do, whether they are talking to crime victims, investigating traffic accidents, interrogating suspects, or calming people in crisis. Good communication skills are also the hallmark of the professional. By communicating effectively, officers can enhance their professional image and encourage others to cooperate willingly with legitimate law enforcement goals.

Law enforcement officers use communication skills daily in performing their duties— whether they are calming a frightened victim, directing a crowd to disperse, placing someone under arrest, or interviewing a witness. Because it is such a big part of an officer’s job, it is important to set communication skills in the context of professional law enforcement. This training guide addresses the topic of Professional Communication.