It is particularily galling for the common hero to have a man like General P. ascend through the ranks, pay his dues, put himself in danger for the nation then get treated like a piece of ####.
Tend to agree, though for different reasons. Primarily, because it's just stupid, stupid politics. Had a longtime pol friend (Democrat) who made a point of "learning" me a few political lessons, that the brilliant pols in DC apparently haven't learned.

First off, don't make fun of a person's name (like a certain much discussed ad did). Makes you look petty, and honestly, it's a cheap shot. And when it's a cheap shot, it colors and cheapens the entire debate that follows.

Secondly, remember your goal - it's really a political version of COIN - the goal is to build alliances and a network of supporters to further your interests, not to damage your own base of support. Ask yourself if you want to be aligned politically with individuals who take cheap shots and "go to the mat" over petty issues.

Third, it's never really your enemies you have to worry about - you know what they'll do to you. It's your friends you got to worry about.

Lastly, when you make fun of a person's name, it can get very personal. And you never know who out there you are pissing off until afterwards, and then it's too late. You never want to get that personal in politics.

GEN Petraeus came to D.C. and did his job. I sincerely doubt you will see a replay of such political stupidity the second time around. I fully expect the next time, there will be an unwritten political agreement in place so we don't have a replay of this type of congressional spectacle (read: debacle) occur.