Our side could never flip Sadr. Fracture the madhi army with in-house fights and power vacums by killling Sadr, once Iran is attacked, and most of the fractured groups will align with the central government knowing nobody will have anything once the US footprint is reduced to a toeprint on their land. When Shi'ites centrally align in the prescribed, non-tribal, Constitutional way, the Sunnis will follow. Iran is the key and the price Iran must pay for wanting to be a nuke player is the literal destruction of their dreams. If they want to lash out over it visa-via causing us serious trouble in Iraq, then they face serious retribution against their infrastructure and they know it. This threat of additional destruction is the key to forcing Ahmadenijad out of power as well. It's the rules - we will not continue to pump billions into that part of the planet nor will Iran be allowed equal footing with the the Gulf. There can be only one hand on that big oil faucet over there.