Quote Originally Posted by Van View Post
It is worthy of note that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad refered to the movie "300" again in his speech to the media during his NYC visit
Its not just Ahmadinejad: I must have had 4-5 people a day mention it to me when I was in Tehran. Moreover, some of those who mentioned it had spent years in the West, and (unlike Ahmadinejad) fully understood how Hollywood operated.

The movie touched a raw nerve of immense Iranian pride about their history (even their pre-Islamic history). It also was seen as reflecting (unfairly, I think) a general American stereotyping of everything Iranian (or Persian) as an evil threat.

Had the movie given the opposite portrayal--Persians as heroic, Greeks as sinister--I suspect you would have had a similar reaction by Greeks. (Insert reference here to Greek sensitivities over the name "Macedonia")

You're just lucky we're all too busy eating doughnuts with terrorists to have gone to war with you over the South Park movie. Blame Canada indeed!