yep that would do it - if I sound off anymore Dave or Bill will accuse me of sounding like Stan
I hope everyone understands that was a harken back to days gone by (and a soldier's compliment) - while from what I know of Stan through SWC - I'd trade 100 guys for 10 Stans in any fight somebody was sending me to - I'd be a bit wary of accompanying Stan to say Pataya Beach, Thailand - I could see myself getting into trouble real fast - and having allot of explaining to do when I got back

Stan I think (from what I know of him through the site & the guys I know like him) is the guy you want next to you when somebody drops you off alone in some #### hole with 1000 lbs of the wrong stuff, and clock is ticking away while people who don't much like you are figuring out ways to make life miserable or end it. He will make his own luck, procure those things you need, find people who you can work with, provide the most common sense answers that have somehow eluded you, and keep you alive so the mission gets done. He is a professional, tactically and technically competent SNCO - he keeps us straight and focused.

But going on liberty/R&R - he'll also know where all the ladies and alcohol are at!

God bless Stan and all those like him!