Quote Originally Posted by Steve Blair View Post
Here's a news flash: Ken Burns has always been like this, Adam. I haven't seen this yet, but that's more because of my objections to how Burns has always handled his subjects. But if it gets people interesting to digging for themselves, then I think it's accomplished something good.
Quote Originally Posted by Steve Blair View Post
But, with all this stuff, YMMV. And if either The War or SPR gets someone who wasn't interested in history before seeing them interested and digging for himself or herself into the actual events, then they've done some good. If it sparks that mysterious "why" and gets someone looking for an answer, it's done more than the MTV Music Awards ever will.
Yes, it is good if people are getting interested and I will give him credit if this does that. Still, if people don't complain that things should be better they aren't going to get better. I will not praise this documentary for the same reason I don't praise Harry Potter. Yes, Harry Potter got kids reading, but it got them reading Harry Potter not good stuff (I do not intend anyone with this statement, but Harry Potter is not well written.) You still have the problem of getting them to make the jump from lower mid quality work (Burns and Harry Potter) to the good stuff [(your pick here for a history) and Tolkien (whatever your opinion of him he wrote beautifully and if you study why, how and when he wrote the book you will understand its significane)(Tolkien was my choice becaus it worked for the analogy)(for those who want a more traditional book how about Milton's Paradise Lost or for kids The Red Badge of Courage)] Yes, anything that results in someone getting interested is good, but I stil wish it was better. As mentioned in my response to Tom I am trying to work on this issue. It is probable that some people may become interested, but it is unlikely (due to lack of dedication and basic research skills, as well as political leanings) that they will truly delve into the subject and study a broad spectrum of works and discussions.

Sorry, about my outlook and criticism. These days I'm just tired of and depressed about society.
