This sort of thing goes on in just about every army or marine corps when some or all of the NCOs who are supposed to be keeping their eagle eyes on the youngsters, aren't doing just that. They know full well that the mice will play when the cat's away, and sometimes this is unavoidable; a fire team leader or squad leader can't be around 60 minutes an hour, 24 hours a day. But still, this was something that was clearly going on for a while, involving several individuals, and going on out in the open.

My question is, where were the NCOs all this time? If I had so much as lain my weapon more than an arm's length from me at any time (in garrison or in the field), I'd have been made to suffer, never mind what would have been done to me if I'd been caught laying out on top of a position in full view for all and sundry to see. Some of the NCOs (and officers) must have seen what was going on, and at least a few of them should've done something. Clearly morale and discipline ain't what it could be in that unit. It may the young squaddie's fault for making such a sick video, but it was those in authority over them that should have been making their authority felt, and discipline firmly imposed.