I live with the belief that that someone at a high level in the US was feeding Intel to the Arabs with hopes of producing a stalement and prevent the Soviets and the US from being fully sucked in. Dean Rusk truly believed diplomacy could win the day and the hotline with the Soviets was first used during this crisis. The Epygtian military was penetrated by Mossad as were Syrian forces and when word came to Meir Amit that the Americans were sharing info, he felt there was no choice but to take out the source that was monitoring tactical communication of IDF forces. He had the resume' of experience and power to make this happen in such a time of crisis. My conspiracy theory explains the complicity in a mutual coverup at high levels and kept voters from asking embarassing questions of why Intel was being shared with enemies of allies. It also explains why such a talent as Amit would duck out of sight the following year.