And here I thought the role of the Battle Captain was just to keep Battalion off of the Company Commander's back in battle, silly me...

jcustis, i'm not quite clear on just how the USMC LAR Bns uses its Battle Captains; is there one in each coy (that's what we have in each LAV/Stryker rifle coy in the RCR, now) and this is what appears to me what you're describing, or are the Battle Captains actually part of the Battalion Staff and are attached out to companies? In Canadian Army, both the mechanized rifle company and the tank squadron, the OC is on the coy/sqn/combat team net and monitors the bn/reg net, the 2 i/c takes care of the A1 echelon, and the Battle Captain is nearby the OC and is on the bn/reg net while monitoring the coy/squ/combat team net. Is this the same as USMC (LAR Bn)?