Alternate name suggestions @ Mediabistro:

10. Blackwater Serenade
9. Condi Meant (First Post title: "Condi Fiddles while Nick Burns").
8. Kinky Boots (First Post title: "The Twee Communiques").
7. I Can't Believe It's Not Rumsfeld! (First Post Title: "Allegro Con Dolcezza!")
6. Bottom-up Reconciliation (whoops! That was supposed to be in the "Top Ten Rejected Larry Craig blog names").
4. The Crocker Barrel (First Post: "The Global War On Errorism")
3. The Wolf o' Wits
2. Laying The Morning Cable (First Post: "I've Got Your Long Telegram Right Here, bub!")
1. http://www.bitemejohnboltonwe'