The role of women in combat has changed with OIF, just as how we think about the battlefield has changed. I've seen them perform as equals, and in some cases better then their male counterparts on a battlefield where courage, confidence and intelligence trump how much we can put in our rucksack. Its not a matter in my opinion of needing them in times where we have growing personnel requirements - these women are simply some of the best human beings who could be serving with us, and to have them serve on the battlefield where those qualities are always in need puts us at an advantage.

Best Regards, Rob
My daughter is 25; when I was her age women had just been admitted to the service academies and this was NOT what I was hearing then, I have at times wondered if things had changed at all for my daughter's future. My son is 29, when he was 18 he was accepted into the Officer's Candidate pool for the Naval Academy. While he did not ultimately get an appointment he did spend a weekend at the Academy during the application process. I watched as the female naval officers there shook the hands of female candidates--but not the male candidates. I hope your sentiments and those of kehenry1 are becoming the norm, not the exception.
