Quote Originally Posted by slapout9 View Post
Hi Norfolk, sorry for the late reply but I actually agree with you about the Airborne and along the same lines as you were thinking (reference German Airborne forces). This concept was kicked around when they first came into being. They were going to be part of the Army Air Corps. Very similar to how the USMC used to be to the Navy.

Strongly disagree about Warden's rings. The main reason the Civillian population is listed in ring 4 is to either be on a No Strike list or to be a psy op or I/O target. If you can ever get a copy of the country X study by the Air Force it explains that in some detail.
I wonder why the Airborne wasn't hived off in 1947 to the Air Force. Maybe it was all those memories of AAF generals at 1st Allied Airborne Army. Yeah, when I look at how effective the Luftwaffe Airborne was (until semi- or untrained ground crews with no planes to service were transferred to the Para Divs), it makes me wonder why the US didn't follow, especially when the Air Force became independent (I sure hope Ken doesn't see this)

I breath a sigh of relief at your response, slapout. When I take an (uninformed) look at the Five Rings Theory and see stuff like civvie population and infrastructure there, it just brings up all the old imagery of Bomb 'Em Back to the Stone Age. Culpeper may be right then, that some of us may still be stuck in the 1940's (well, maybe a little bit...). And thanks for telling me about the Country X Study - I assume it may accessed at Maxwell.