Quote Originally Posted by TROUFION View Post
Just would hate to be the Logos and Manpower folks having to make it happen.
Amen to that.

It's an interesting little paradigm shift, although it is a melon-scratcher when you think about them being MARINES and Afghanistan being a land-locked country. But hey: "In every clime and place," right?

It shouldn't be too hard for the USAF and Marine Air to mesh, right? My brother is a USMC JTAC with 2d ANGLICO and he's frequently worked with Air Force and Marine Corps CAS simultaneously. Despite a few procedural differences, I think, he hasn't had any problems with AF pilots. And DoD is still stressing "joint operations," right? I'm biased, too, but I have to admit that I like the idea of the Marines being the dominant player in A-stan. The question that leaves us with, though, is how does this affect the mission of Army units back in Iraq, at least in terms of density and distribution of forces? (Then again, will that even matter if Congress begins phased withdrawals in 2008?)