Quote Originally Posted by Adrian View Post
In what I am chalking up as a lesson in government bureaucracy, the writeup has been sent out for security review (after it was reviewed by other various people) and will be posted anywhere between a week and a month...

Welcome to my world. I've been strongly pushing my organization to do podcasts. Because the bureaucracy no comprendo new media and time imperativeness, they treat the clearance process like a written report. This means it takes months. So I just decided to drop it. There's no use in even bothering with a two month old podcast.

Same with my involvement here. I can't get the bureaucracy to decide whether blogging is the same as "publication" and hence requires public affairs clearance or not.

This illustrates the pathology of the bureaucracy: no one ever gets in trouble for saying "no" but they can get in trouble for saying "yes" if problems arise. I don't know who is worse, our PAO or our IT people. A pox on both their houses.