Hey Sergeant Mills !

Quote Originally Posted by SGTMILLS View Post
The lower enlisted had noticed the lack of ability and the inconsistencies in the 1SGT, so my point is that our PSGT's then had to explain the 1SGTs actions. The point i was trying to make must have gotten lost in the translation, so here it is...Poor leaders (no matter where they are in the chain) can make for a poor example for younger troops. That lack of ability translates into a less-effective unit, unless the rest of the leadership can make up for it.
I have gotten waaayyy off topic here, so i will stop, now. THANKS!!
Since we're slightly off topic, a final comment if you will.
You folks should have never permitted your 1SG (that used to be the correct abbreviation for a First Sergeant in my days) to drag his Alpha. That equates to a total collapse of the NCO system that the US Army and her Officers and Enlisted depend on. By permitting Top to coast into retirement while on active duty (assuming that's what you're saying) literally translates to the 'lower ranks' that the other NCOs are not only aware of the situation, but worse, condone said.

In my days, Top was out and about kickin' Alphas and foremost, our mentor.

Lastly, if your SGM or CSM was at all physically present, he would have noticed your 1SG's inactivity and/or inaction. I won't pretend to comprehend why and E-9 would watch and permit a 1SG loaf in a war zone.

Regards, Stan