There are any number of similar folks on the African side, the most notable and notorious would have to be Lumumba.

He has become the darling of the liberal intellectual africa studies crowd. When HBO did their movie on him, they interviewed Halle Berry for her "thoughts" and she among others dubbed him, "the George Washington of Africa." Facts simply have no effect on that sort of thinking.

Che seems to be much the same. He makes for a better T-shirt than he did as an exporter of revolution. As part of the Cuban movement he was effective. But he was a clown in the Congo and hardly better in Bolivia. I suspect the Soviets had far more influence on the Red Brigades than he did.

Funny that right after the RPA took Kigali, vendors were selling Fred Rwigemba and Paul Kagame tshirts at the airport with the slogo "free at last." Kagame put an end to that one real quickly but I got my Tshirt.

Best all,
