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Thread: Army Officer Accuses Generals of 'Intellectual and Moral Failures'

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  1. #36
    Council Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Bonita Springs, Florida


    Quote Originally Posted by Ken White View Post
    We may not have any business doing it but, rightly or wrongly, we have had to play world cop since Franklin knocked our erstwhile allies out of the colony business in 1944-45... .

    I doubt we're anywhere close to burying our last mistake and I doubt that will occur in yours, my or our kids kids lifetime.
    I don't disagree with anything you have written here. I am not even averse to the so-called "world cop" role, when it is in the proper perspective and when it is necessary. Our participation in WWII was necessary, for more than Pearl Harbor. Korea was justified, as well. The Vietnam critics conveniently forget about a little treaty we had called SEATO, the NATO look-alike on the other side of the globe. Now I admit, SEATO consisted of the U.S., the interests of the U.S., and ... [fill-in-the-blank], but still... it was a treaty (sort of like the ABM treaty, right?). Even the Persian Gulf War was easily justifiable; just don't cram it down my throat by telling me we're doing it for Kuwait. This country doesn't do anything for anybody unless there's something in it for US (I wonder if that's why we call it the U.S.)-- as epitomized by the Bush family. And I don't have a problem with that. But, if we're to assume the mantle of the world's "policeman," why aren't we in Darfur, why aren't we kicking Mugabe out of Rhodesia (there, I've said it!) [actually, I said "it" because I can't spell Zimbabwe], and any other little tasks? I am not terribly comfortable with that role as defined by some people. I would like to see it better defined and I would like to see some allies. And I don't mean 1 guy from Yoo-Hoo Land (times 10!!), sitting in a tent, 100 miles from civilization in Iraq. That ain't participation; that's a Congressional hand-out for later.

    Iraq was contrived... but now we're getting political and you said this isn't a political site. So... all we have to do now is to figure a way out. I have one... hm-m-m-m... Let me check my Vietnam playbook... .

    Best wishes,
    Last edited by Fred III; 10-17-2007 at 12:32 PM.


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