I'm not saying there's a growing sentiment of racism, I'm only saying it's there and been there and I don't see much change since 9-11. I get perplexed at those who say they support OIF, yet in the next sentence, say Islam is evil. My "rebuttal" to them is "You are aware a majority of the Iraqis are Muslims, right?" I don't only see this attitude with the Christians, I see it with anyone who mostly listens to (and believes) Glen Beck or right-wing radio/TV. And let's not forget, Beck and FOX said an Islamic terorist started the fires in California. WTF?!?

The average American (myself included) does not know or understand the different sects of Islam and that, IMO, is the biggest problem.
Maybe I'm just being naive or have false hope in the fact that people actually learn from history, but the argument that Muslims have been fighting each other since they began and won't/can't change doesn't fly with me. Never been there, but from what I hear and read from good sources, that's just not true.