A note of caution: In El Salvador our advisors (trainers) in multiple iterations of the mission always wanted to create a Salvadoran NCO corps. they always failed because the problem was not the one they had diagnosed. They saw it as a lack of an NCO corps when it really was a lack of first line supervision. We, the US, solve that problem with NCOs. The Salvadorans, for cultural reasons, were not about to do so. the one non NCO solution we tried (John Waghelstein in the first bid MILGP) came up with it of an OCS program to create 2 LTs for the first line supervision job, was only partially successful - also for cultural reasons.

I don't know if Iraqis would buy into an NCO corps or not, but if the problem is first line supervision, I'd recommend looking for innovative solutions within the host cullture. Of course, that may not be the problem at all.
I'll have to see when I get over there, it was pure speculation on our part that the NCO corps would be weak. I'll definitely keep this in mind, thanks.