From Defense World and the Estonian Embassy in DC:

The United States of America has expressed its intention to participate in the work of the proposed NATO Centre of Excellence on Cooperative Cyber Defence, to be established in Estonia.

The Deputy Undersecretary of the US Navy, Marshall Billingslea, informed the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Estonia in a letter that the USA considers it important to work with Estonia on cyber issues. Marshall Billingslea's letter stated that the US Navy would send one of its top cyber defence experts to the NATO Centre of Excellence on Cooperative Cyber Defence in Estonia. Marshall Billingslea also mentioned that he was exceedingly pleased to tell that the Department of the Navy would like to work with Estonia on cyber issues.

In the view of the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Estonia, Mr. Jaak Aaviksoo, the only way to combat new security threats such as cyber attacks is through close co-operation. Together with Germany and Spain, which have joined Estonia with the NATO Centre of Excellence on Cooperative Cyber Defence, the support of the USA is not only proof of the strong alliance between our countries but also a crystal clear message of divided threat awareness.

Source: Estonian Ministry of Defence, 10/22/2007