What I like about LTC Nagl's writing is he makes it simple enough for us common folk to understand....yet it still remains effective. I also like that he doesn't attack any person, school, or organization. He just tells it like it is.
I particularly like this:
I am sincerely hopeful that the broader and deeper understanding of other societies that anthropologists like Drs. Kilcullen and McFate bring to the table will diminish not just the casualties in the wars we are fighting today, but also make future wars less likely.
It sort of plays to the emotions of the Left-leaning crowd, yet it's completely accurate and true and what we all want.

Good job as always and thank you, sir.

Oh yeah, here's the citation to what I quoted, just in case anyone complains.

Nagl, John, Desperate People with Limited Skills, Small Wars Journal Blog, 1 Nov 2007, <http://smallwarsjournal.com/blog/2007/11/desperate-people-with-limited/>.