Hey Slap !

Quote Originally Posted by slapout9 View Post
Hi Rob, here are a couple of ideas to start with.

1-Let Sergeants go to the Army War college.

2-Let Sergeants experiment with small unit tactics and give them funds to do it with, then let them write the manual.

3-Let veteran combat Sergeants go directly to OCS and be comissioned as officers without all the college degree bull####.

4- Instead of just giving troops a booklist to read...buy them the books. Colonel Warden did this when he was in charge of the Air Command and Staff College. BTW he is going to send me the booklist when he finds it and I will publish it. It is over 100 books on a broad range of subjects not just War and they were given to all the students.
You're not too far off the mark here. When I retired most SNCOs already had at least a Bachelor's degree and could (academically speaking) attend the AWC. I've sent foreign officers to Army NCO basic courses because the officer advanced courses would have been too much on top of being in English. On the other hand, I've sent Estonian NCOs to Engineer and EOD courses designed for senior Captains and junior Majors. Most of these NCOs accelerate quickly and are eventually promoted to 3rd LT. (If you thought a butter bar was useless, well).

OCS attendance is already very possible for Army NCOs, but not without a degree. Some fair much better having had 5 to 8 years of real service time.

We do need to get involved more in 'writing' the manuals though, and the SNCO should not be left out of the equation.

Quote Originally Posted by slapout9 View Post
5-Send me to the Army War College...second thought better scratch this one.
You got my vote