I think he is correct.

However, I do not think your analysis of his statement is necessarily correct:

"If what you're saying is correct, then that means that the CIA is filled with incompetent senior people. What other explanation can there be for not implementing proper training for new analysts year after year?"
It is entirely possible that said senior people are competent but either bureaucratically constrained and more concerned with protecting their institution or simply are strongly inclined to not stick their necks out to demand competence and release those who are not capable.

Those alternatives are similar but not synonymous though the result is the same. There is, of course the possibility that pure incompetence is part of the problem and there are other alternatives but experience with our government leads me to believe my provided alternatives are more probable; as they say, "indications lead me to believe" the bureaucracy and it's natural ally, risk avoidance, are your culprits.

For the record, I don't believe that to be the case. I just don't have another explanation for how this problem can properly be attributed to habitual poor training.
Having briefly been an analyst -- and not a good one, I'm too impatient and arbitrary; realized that and went on to other things -- I have to agree with others who point out that we can produce a large number of fair analysts but that good one are naturals and hard to find. I'm not at all sure they can be created without that talent. Lot of good basketball players out there, very few Michael Jordans.

I have been immersed in another culture fairly thoroughly for over a year -- I think maybe the Jesuits have it right; get 'em before they're seven -- after that, the culture in which they got to that age is pretty thoroughly embedded and is unlikely to be shed.

There are always exceptions but I'm unsure how you'd determine who would be receptive and who not.

You also have the factor that thorough cultural attunement with one grouping does not provide better analysis capability for a multinational and multi ethnic grouping...

Just some thoughts for your consideration.
