Quote Originally Posted by Brian Hanley View Post
Stan, he's talking about training of analysts for intelligence work. You appear to be talking about training of regular soldiers for combat. Perhaps if you were discussing the same topic it might work better? (Biting my toungue over the 'stupid factor' opening... )
analysts -- and others -- a lot of guvmint agencies have been sending people to other nations (a bunch of them...) for a couple of years or more as civilians and in various modes to live on the economy and learn the culture as you suggest. Been doing it for years, a lot of years, even before WW II and in large numbers since then. Most everyone here's aware of that.

Fear's not an issue. Excessive publicity about it isn't helpful to a lot of programs though it is not classified. Just Google 'foreign area specialists' and skim the subjects on the first eight or ten pages.

Sometimes all of us wrongfully assume that everyone knows all the things we know...