
In your attempt to be the Renaissance man of the board, you are exposing your ignorance on certain subjects.

I even provided links to the multiple thrusts to this project.

Quote Originally Posted by Brian Hanley View Post
I was a bit of a leader in VR once, have a videotape "Fundamentals of Virtual Reality" sold to over 4000 universities around the world through UVC (now defunct.) .
The operative words are 'once' and 'defunct.' This helps explain why you don't work at DARPA, ONR, or answer our BAAs and FedBiz Ops announcements.

I wrote a Workbook for a simulation that is still used for the SSgt Non-resident Course PME and for the FA-57 course out at Leavenworth. That's past history, granted it got me this job 5 years ago but the knowledge, while a cutting edge application for a simple simulation was big news back's dated.

Quote Originally Posted by Brian Hanley View Post
Worked on image processing real time acquisitions since. I am aware of the state of AI etcetera. We are a ways from that scenario still.
Try reading the links, we are within 12-18 months to having this capability. The pieces are already developed, we have tested them using HLA, now we are doing direct plugins using open APIs.

All of this has been made possible through multiple cognitive task analysis, training effectiveness evaluations and pushing the limits on ain't rocket science.

I've been in the acquisition side since Novemeber 2002 ; I'm still getting paychecks, I must be doing something right.

Quote Originally Posted by Brian Hanley View Post
What we aren't so far from is a situation where actors can play virtual parts who are in a distant location. That's doable now.
Brian, this has been going onin the civilian side for at least 10 years. On the military side for over 6 years. Fort Lewis uses units in country to send back and train TTPs with CONUS units. In July we had Marines at 29 Palms in a convoy trainer calling in AC-130s in the simulation at Hurlbert using the J-10.

Quote Originally Posted by Brian Hanley View Post
That said, while military regulations may restrict fraternization
I missed that memo, I was 'fraternizing' while in country and married her 3 years later in CA......guess I'm a bad boy, shame on me.