Quote Originally Posted by Mark O'Neill View Post
I am increasingly tired of the essentially puerile 'arguments' made about 'clashs of culture / civilisation' etc that are patently no such thing.

I'm not taking the religious line on my thoughts. This could be an example of reading the post and assuming that it's "the same old story."

If as a society or culture we accept that IEDs or any other type of terrorist activities is acceptable, then there is no problem, it all becomes a tactical manuever against the opposing forces.

If we as a society or culture do not accept this method of employment then it is a clear cut clash of cultures. As I posted, the cut and paste was from a source that even if it isn't politically driven, politics is seen behind it. Time is my most valuable asset right now, I didn't have much time to do a better presentation.

IMO, this isn't about religion, by slamming it into that neat little box we put blinders on our ability to see the whole picture. This also isn't about baseball, hotdogs, and mom's apple pie.

Do we accept Mad Max mentality for our future?