I think a lot of people in college see the adds for "Get your degree in six weeks", and then apply the same logic to a university education. Before the industrial revolution there were basically two degrees. A bachelors of science and bachelors of arts and letters were the only two options. A lawyer got the arts degree and a doctor got the science degree. Now the university is filled with options and degrees. Somebody posted that they got a MA and couldn't find a high paying job. There is no gurantee of a high paying job. Worse some degrees set you up for working for free. A seminary degree isn't known for being a high paying wage degree.

A university degree isn't supposed to be easy. Part of the problem in higher education is that people expect to get a degree. I make my students work for it. Hard. Students arrange their entire schedule around taking my classes. If they whine about the course work being hard their fellow students tell them to suck it up. I have some of the highest student ratings in the University system, and especially high for STEM. Not all my students survive but most who are willing to try thrive. They are motivated and do the work because they can see results. If somebody complained that they had to do a problem 20 times in my classes their fellow students would descend on them like wolves wondering what their fellow student thought a job meant. I don't do behavioristic education as I think Pavlov's dog was an idiot.

I shouldn't post before my first cup of coffee.