As a whole, I thought the document was fairly good. However, I am not sure why they tried to separate terrorists and insurgents:

"This objective differentiates insurgents from terrorists, whose objectives do not necessarily include the creation of an alternative governing authority capable of controlling a given area or country."

It seems to me that all terrorists are insurgents but not all insurgents are terrorists. In other words, terrorists fit the mold of an insurgency because they are trying overthrow a government or force it to change specific policies. We all know the debate surrounding the term "terrorism". If I were writing this document, I would not have tried to throw the sentence in their separating terrorists from insurgents. I suspect it is in there for political reasons; it is advantageous to label an entity a terrorist organization or a state sponsor of terrorism.

Also, the whole government approach to COIN planning is very good, but where is the part of the USG that deals with information? According to this document and FM 3-24, information is the glue that holds all the pillars together. Unfortunately, we only give strategic communications partial support through the State Department! If information is really so important, the USG needs to reestablish the USIA or something like it.

Overall, the document is very good. Organizations such as USAID may have more of an impact than a full military division, which is why we should increase their funding. Also, working with IGOs and NGOs is a great way to increase legitimacy for COIN operations!

Very respectfully,
