Calm seas?

The tenor of your postings belies the avatar you have chosen for yourself. Hence, the question mark as you can see.

You appear to be frothing with anger at the Philippines and Filipinos.

Why so?

Yup, you bash us Pinoys as we have been bashing ourselves.

Yes, there was cheating in the elections. In the usual place where they have been done--in that distant area in Mindanao where the birds and the bees have voted as a matter of course since 1949.

Incidentally, such practices were also rampant in US cities in the late 1800s where machine politics dominated. But did the US of A sink into the depths of the ocean never to recover?

So, you have been here 10 years already.


Yet, you fail to have seen sectors among the middle class in this country who have been advocating for reforms. You have failed also to see the incremental progress taking place over the past two decades.

Or that the Philippine economy is humming once more. Or that the NPA is nothing more now than an extortionist gang stupidly mouthing Maoist slogans.

Or that the Abu Sayaff is a threat only in a very tiny slice of Mindanao. And that the rest of this island has an economy now on the bounce.

So, where have you been in the Philippines all these years?

And once again, what have you got really against my country?

As for PMA not the equal of West Point. Maybe.

But it does have alumni whose tactical and operational skills are first rate.
Now if only hazing there were to be minimized, many of them would perhaps not be that brutal as they conduct COIN operations.

And the US could play a key role in influencing this badly-needed reform.

Meanwhile, pray tell me: what happened to you here that you are so angry at the Philippines, Filipinos, and US policies in this country?