Hi Tom,

Quote Originally Posted by Tom Odom View Post
I dunno 'bout that Marc. Tacitus hails from just up the Eastex freeway from where I grew up. Like him, I grew up in a strict southern Baptist culture and I can attest that the God my Pastor invoked each sunday when praying for the high school football team was very genocidal in his views of the opposition--especially those who came from Catholic schools.
Is that like he WW II Army saying that "the Germans are our opponents, but the Navy is our Enemy!"?

Personally, I grew up in a strict Anglo-Catholic (aka "confused") culture - i.e. heavy drinking, lots of incense, the Choir runs the church, and this "God" fellow gets minimal mention. We never had any real problems with the Catholics, except for that, what was it called again?, oh, yeah - "guilt" (never got that one ).