I have been challenged by an on-line "weapons expert" to re-read "Mis-Fire; The History of How America's Small Arms Have Failed Our Military" by William H. Hallahan. I read it when it was first released, in the mid-90s, and left with somewhat of a sour taste in my mouth.

The "expert" challenged me to re-read it, and while there are some interesting bits, it is even more awful than I remember. If I were to grade it as 19 separate papers, it would average a "C", with some chapters getting an "A" and some getting an "F". This book is filled with internal contradictions, unsupported conclusions, and some "facts" that are just downright wrong.

Note to budding authors/historians: If you want to write history, write history. If you want to write technical history, without actual technical experience, please, spare us all from your floundering.