The political activism that generated and sustained the Civil Rights movement, for starters, I offer up as but one example to the contrary of Kristol's assertion. We could throw in things like Watergate and the demise of the kKK as well but who appreciates ancient history these days? Said political clout still manifests and will be shown to outlast such campy things as the Deaniacs, Move On and the latest groupie phenomenon associated with Obama. Then there is the economic stability provided by this large demographic bump over the past few decades. I wish the 9/11ers well with globalization and the starry-eyed notions of the world as just one village - they can't even understand the likes of Bin Laden let alone come to grips with the challenges his mentality presents, waffling as they do between Jurisprudence and a kinder, gentler, tech-driven military being the answer to the problem. That said, I'll have a nip of Geritol, send off a hefty political donation to the GOP out of spite and retire to bed, knowing world peace and prosperity is at hand with the advent of the 9/11 generation soon to be standing tall at the helm.